The next few years of teaching, I continued to create doors, and like the Jukebox Door, they were fairly simple. By my second year, I began to incorporate first week activities that went along with the theme. It has been the excitement of my students that has encouraged me to continue to add to the complexity of my classroom doors and the quantity and variety of activities I would prepare for the first week of school. I have learned throughout the years that it's often the most simple things that the students love and remember. A happy door, a fun activity, a secret homework surprise... these are the things that build excitement and anticipation for school. My students always look forward to coming to school (at least during the first week!) because it's always fun and exciting as we begin to learn and get to know each other. The heavy teaching can wait a few days, and building a strong sense of community and a positive environment for learning goes a long way in terms of classroom management.

The Baskin Robbins Year-22 Original Flavors
The Movie Theater Year-
(4th grade was moved out of Southdown School
and into Woodhull Intermediate School. I worked there for 10 years.)
One after another - amazing doors, and how lucky for your students to have you as their teacher.